Reliv Independent Distributor
Back in the Game 

Sitting on the sidelines was never part of our game plan. Eleven years ago, psoriatic arthritis and chronic fatigue had other plans for us. Bill’s arthritis left him unable to take the lid off a jar of peanut butter or walk without extreme pain. While Nina spent her weekends taking four hour naps on the couch.

Bill’s doctor was the one who told us about Reliv. Because of Reliv’s products we are back to an active lifestyle, which includes Baseball and Triathlons. We are more active now in our 50’s than what we were in our 20’s! We believe that our best results are yet to come due to the science behind the products.

We looked at the Reliv Business initially for Retirement income. By reaching out and helping others Nina has been able to leave her nursing career and pursue her desire to volunteer and train service dogs. Bill is now able to chase his dream of writing. 

Are you ready to get back in the game?
